Back when I decided to begin this journey, my goal was to become a runner again. I’ve taken on many challenges from simply “working out again” to completing two sprint triathlons. I’ve swam, biked, and ran. I’ve swung kettle bells and done burpees til my arms fell off. I’ve participated in CrossFit Challenges, Open Water Swims of more than a mile, thrown shot put and discus, and even one very comical attempt at the long jump.
As I sat down and looked at 2013, I decided that I wanted to have a goal of participating in two “target events” per month. Whether it is a 5K, an Indoor tri, or a cross country hike I needed a steady focus on something other than another workout to keep me going. I realized I needed to have that “next mountain” on my horizon or I might get complacent.
January started well. There was a fun run of 2.2 miles on New Year’s Day. Scratch off one. My second event was going to be an indoor triathlon in Muskegon at the YMCA as part of a series I was participating in. A “Box Only”, or members only, event was posted at the CrossFit gym I work out in and I decided to give that a try as well. There was an additional triathlon I could do the day after the CrossFit event but my coach, Zach, talked me out of doing both. I’m glad because the fatigue factor after the CrossFit event was far greater than I had imagined. Still, I completed three events in the first month. I was already ahead of the game.
In February, I completed two more indoor triathlons as well as a five mile hike of the Appledorn Trail with a bunch of Cub Scouts. Herding Cub Scouts for five miles is more of a workout than you can imagine!
March consisted of a 5K race, an indoor tri, and my first indoor track meet.
April had two more triathlons and I have 5K race this friday at Sammy's school to close out the month.
May could be tricky as scheduling conflicts have left me only one target event (5K) I am interested in. I may be able to sneak in another Appledorn Hike or, if needed, "create" my own event. I’m thinking of an indoor tri of longer segments or riding the Kal-Haven Trail from Kalamazoo to South Haven. Either way, I will find two “events”.
It sounds physically hard. Actually, scheduling is the hardest part. Much harder than some of the events! Between the boys soccer, tennis, bowling, baseball, golf club, scouts, Little Rembrandts, and who knows what else, my travel for work, Kimm’s travel for work, run camp for her half marathon, and events she’d like to do, things get busy quickly.
Reaslistically, I need to focus more on simply running. CrossFit has provided me greater overall strength as my swimming and biking have shown. I just need to run better. Dropping a few pounds would help too!
I looked ahead to June. June 1st is a Saturday this year allowing the month to have five Saturdays. Finding two events for this month should be easy. June 1st has an event called the Double Time. A friend I met through racing, Jim Mischler, runs this race. It is early in the outdoor season so I could do this one and still find others to do later. The location looks nice and I am goint to just do the Aqua Bike, (like a sprint distance tri without the run). June is also when the State Games of Michigan take place. Between Track and Field and Swimming that’s two meets in two days…but I did this last year. No problem. The last weekend of the month has another sprint distance triathlon that Jim’s group organizes. This is held out at Gull Lake…very pretty. Another “must do”. Continuing on, I see that the Michigan USA Track and Field Outdoor Masters Championships are going to be held in June. At first I think that there is no way I could fit it in with the other events. Wait…June 8th? That is open! Okay…it would also allow me more practice before the State Games. Finally, I see Jim send out a posting for a 2K open Water swim. This is actually going to be held on the Wednesday before the State games. I did one last year at the same time…I just did not have a second track meet and two races bookending in the month.
Part of me looks at this as nuts. It is a lot of events. Another part of me looks at this and says “Why not?” It’s not like I’m going to a bunch of pub crawls. I’m not spending time in strip clubs. I’m doing something that promotes a healthier lifestyle and helps me draw inspiration to be a better person.
It will be a “gauntlet” of activity for the month. The mountains will come at me fast and furious in June. No rest for the weary!
I’m going to feel great...once I get through it all.
…and then I will look ahead to my next mountain.